Hey there, I am Huseyin.

I'm 17 years old Self-taught Full-stack web Developer and I most improve myself on Cascading Style Sheets. I love it.

My work


Web Apps

This repository includes apps where applications programmed on the internet by our software team are compiled. Made with ❤️ Open Source.

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Speed Test

Only using html, css and js making a easy speedtest website. Writed & edited by Huseyin Cinar based from Sibersozluk. It's completely ready to use, I recommend pulling it from glitch or downloading it as a zip.

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Discord Bot

Hello Friends, This Infrastructure was Made in 2018, and the Necessary Corrections were Made on October 5, 2022. This Infrastructure Now Supports Discord.js v14 Version! You can use it easily!

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    v14 Bot

    Server Template

    Music Infrastructure



    My SQL

    Chat App

  • Student

    Seventy-fifth year Middle School

    Secured a diploma score of 97 in all sems appeared in so far.

    May - Oct 2017

  • Student

    Seventy-fifth year Middle School

    Secured a diploma score of 95.5 in all sems appeared in so far.

    May - Oct 2018

  • Student

    Seventy-fifth year Middle School

    Secured a diploma score of 96.4 in all sems appeared in so far.

    May - Oct 2019

  • Student

    Seventy-fifth year Middle School

    Secured a diploma score of 100 in all sems appeared in so far.

    May - Oct 2020

  • Student

    Farabi Anatolian High School

    Secured a diploma score of 97.9 in all sems appeared in so far.

    May - Oct 2021

  • Student

    Farabi Anatolian High School

    Secured a diploma score of 99.5 in all sems appeared in so far.

    May - Oct 2022

About Me

I'm a student, coder, sportsman, male.